Couple Cellphone

Saturday, October 11, 2008
OMG! I didn't blog since last months. I've been busy with my school assignments. Today, I wanna blog something about couple cellphone. Cherry and I have the same cellphone, same color too!

There are disadvantages about couple cellphone. I always take the wrong phone when our phone is mixed. Last month, I was holding our phones and I was putting in Cherry's phone into my pocket and I thought it was my phone. After that, I went home and I notice that I brought Cherry's phone with me. Cherry was so worried that she thought she lost her phone. I called Apple, when Apple saw the contact name and Apple was and said "Why you call me?" Cherry was so relieved that she didn't lost her phone.
The next is me, I left my phone at Cherry's house. When I wanted to leave her house, I look at her desk and saw my phone and again I thought that was not my phone. I noticed I didn't take my phone when I wanna take it out to call someone. Again, I scolded WTF. This is the disadvantages of couple cellphone to me. How about you? Do you think it's good or bad to have same cellphone?
posted by Cheese at 10:53 PM, |


It's GOOD!
Because it's sweeeeet~~~
Don't care about the disadvantages! Keke~

My friend use to envy us, his girlfriend don't wanna change the same cellphone with him.
hahaha... why dun one of you put on a sticker or a tiny thing to differentiate it leh? hehehe..
That's sweet to have same phone. keke..yea, just like what lee chien suggested, put some keychain or sticker to make it more obvious to differentiate.